Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Hey ya'll...long time no blog.

Not to sound like Hank Hill but, it has been one helluva week I tell ya what. My great grandma broke her hip going to breakfast on Monday so I had to go to the ER way earlier than I would have like to have been awake. This, of course, caused me to miss a test. Oh well, it should be alright. Aside from that its just been the same ol' same ol' of running around trying to fit everything that needs to be done in a 24 hour day.

This wind has also been killing me....the worst thing about West Texas. I wanted to play golf, ride my motorcycle, and play basketball but, I almost got blown off the road, the basketball flew half a foot from where I would shoot it, and golf...well, golfers know how fun it is to play in the wind.

I went into the administrative building today to check out some scholarship opportunities and I was surprised how many are available to AC students. Everyone should really check it out but, make haste because a lot of the deadlines are coming up.

Another interesting thing I of my classmates posted a thing on the web ct news writing page that Don't Mess With Texas is looking for some faces for their campaign and, I believe they are coming here. (Nice info. Sam.) So if anyone thinks they are up to that it might be worth checking out.

In the somewhat words of Ron Burgundy...

Stay classy Amarillo College

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