Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

The thing you're doing right now, right this instant, is... reading.

How did I know that? Well... it kind of makes sense doesn't it?

But yes, we all do it. And if you're like me, you try to read a book a least once a month, and on vacation at least once a week... or less.

I never was much of a reader. Not until I got to college that I decided that I would try to read a book for fun as often as I can.

And the outcome?

I've read at least 40 books since the summer of '09. Which seems kind of a short amount when you think about it, but it's more than the amount I've read in my life before that: 3. Ok... I may be exaggerating a little bit, but I am excluding all those Dr. Seuss books from the list.

So for now, I'm going to talk about books I've read.
I will also not provide pictures of them because as they say, "don't judge a book by it's cover."


  1. Little Bee: This book makes me happy. I cannot go much into detail, but I always enjoy a book that makes me feel good afterward. Although it does have sad parts, it also leaves me thinking about life, and that always makes me feel like it was an amazing read. The story is very simple, yet complicated on every page. I'd give a summary of the book on here, but that can be easily found just by typing the title of the book into Google.
  2. Will Grayson Will Grayson: I'm always a sucker for high school stories, mainly because those were the best years of my life. OK, I lie, but reading stories about high school makes me imagine how my life could have been. And that is kind of what this books does. I read it in a day because I didn't want to put down. It didn't even have parts where I thought to myself that I really want to find out what happens next. It was just nice to see the story unfold of two teenagers, who's names happen to be Will Grayson.
  3. South of Broad: This is my final book to talk about, although I could go on. This is probably the first book I read that felt too much of an adult novel. But the language was beautiful and the story unfolded perfectly. I love reading a book with a lot of moments that I don't want to accept what happened, but I have to, and keep on reading. This book did that quite a few times. It was worth every minute I spent reading.

Books seem to give me something to when nothing else seems fun.
And I always feel smarter afterward.

But I love to here recommendations on what you have loved to read.

But no Harry Potter, or Twilight. I don't live under a rock, so I've heard about those already.

(3) Comments

  1. Estefania On March 6, 2011 at 1:54 PM

    LOL at the last line. Um, well, I usually read the same old books over and over. Right now I'm reading Don Quixote again. Last summer I read a spoof book, "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". I had fun reading it and I am looking for other titles like that.

    Andrea On March 8, 2011 at 1:12 PM

    estefanny, there is sense and sensibility and seamonsters it's pretty good. I read pride and prejudice and zombies and I laughed the whole time

    hilaryjane On March 15, 2011 at 4:40 PM

    Pure Sunshine by Brian James. It's a Push series. Back in high school, my group of boys I hung with passed this book around and each of us loved it.