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Feminism Is Dead!

6/12/2009 12:18:00 AM 4 comments

Something I need to get off my chest...

One of the current hot topics--although you wouldn't know it if you watch most mainstream media--is Carrie Prejean was stripped of her title as Miss California. The pageant organization claims it's because Ms. Prejean failed to honor the terms of her contract by making required appearances. (

I've got one word for Donald Trump--Bull!!! Ms. Prejean is absolutely right when she says the real reason is for giving her opinion of traditional marriage at the Miss USA pageant. Officials decided they wanted to get rid of her, and they fired her on a technicality. Incredibly, in an interview today with FoxNews' Sean Hannity, Ms. Prejean claims the "appearances" she failed to meet were an offer to appear on a reality TV show and--wait for it--an offer to pose for Playboy! (

Whatever the reason, there's a larger issue here. For the record, I believe in equal rights for women. I was raised by a single mom who put herself through college and became a teacher. My grandmother also played a large role in raising me, and she was a teacher while also raising three children. So, I'm very supportive of equality. However, it seems that the feminist establishment in recent years is, shall we say, selective of the women they choose to support.

Personally, I take a libertarian view of most moral issues. As a Christian, I also believe marriage should be only between a man and a woman. However, since I also believe only God can judge someone, and because I have a hard enough time living my own life without living someone else's, if two people of the same gender choose to have a union together, so be it--they will have to answer for their actions in the end.

This view is not only shared by Ms. Prejean, but also the majority of the people of California, who earlier this year voted down a proposal to allow same-sex couples to be married; and, President Obama is also shares this view. Apparently, however, a young, intelligent woman like Ms. Prejean is not allowed to speak her mind if it contradicts what the far-left believes. Perez Hilton, one of the Miss USA judges and the guy who asked the marriage question, even posted a YouTube video where he actually called her a "dumb bitch!"

The response from the feminists for this outrageous statement? Zip! Nada. Unbelievable.

Unfortunately, this has been a pattern of the feminist establishment for a long time. I first noticed it back when Bill Clinton was President. He used his position to receive sexual favors from a female intern. Not a peep from feminists, who widely supported Clinton. Last year, Hillary Clinton was treated roughly by the press, and feminsts came to her rescue. Sarah Palin, however, was treated far worse by the mostly liberal mainstream media, and not a word from feminsts. You would think, regardless of Palin's political views, feminists would support a woman who is the first female governor of her state, and one of the few female governors in the nation. Many in the media criticized not just her politics, but her family, her looks, her intelligence, etc. Silence from the feminists.

Incredibly, just recently, David Letterman made an extremely bad joke about Palin's daughter. He said that while in New York, Palin's daughter would be "knocked up" by Alex Rodriguez. He may have been referring to 19 year old Bristol, but actually it was 14 year old Willow that accompanied her mother. Whoops! Here we have a middle-aged white man suggesting a 14 year old girl would be statutorily raped, so I figured that finally someone had gone too far, and the feminsts would be outraged. Well, wrong again Bill!

I always thought that one of the objectives of the feminist movement was that women are allowed to have their own opinions and can speak their mind. Apparently, that isn't true--women are not free to have their own opinions unless it agrees with the liberal orthodoxy. I have a question: WHAT THE HELL WAS THE STRUGGLE FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS FOR?!?! In my opinion, the silence of feminists is a spit in the face to any woman who has ever suffered the consequences for daring to be independent and having their own opinions.

What's your view about this? Please post your comments and lets have a dialogue. Thanx!

(4) Comments

  1. Madelyn On June 12, 2009 at 12:12 PM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Madelyn On June 13, 2009 at 12:51 PM

    So I somehow deleted my last comment on here I guess. Weird.

    Anyway, I agree on the whole feminism thing. Totally one-sided.

    Anonymous On June 15, 2009 at 10:06 PM

    Certainly an interesting and provocative issue. You do a very good job analyzing all aspects of the controversy.

    Jamie Anderson On June 16, 2009 at 11:14 AM

    Your analysis of current, complacent, sycophantic media outlets is dead on! Women all across our nation's history, from Susan B. Anthony to Margret Sanger to Gloria Jean Watkins, did not tenaciously fight and suffer for their beliefs just so women could actively choose to be pliant chattel! I also applaud your ability to stand up for your complex belief on same sex marriages without hiding behind "a religious apron". Bravo to you and all people with enough prescence of mind to have a genuine opinion and the backbone to stand by it!