Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

A couple of events coming up for AC students or those looking to start at AC in the fall...

Wonderland Night is Friday, July10th! If you're a current AC student and would like a great deal to spend a day at Wonderland, go by the CUB basement at the Washington Street Campus, and all other Campus Assistance location. Tickets are on sale through July 8th at 4:00, and are $13 apiece. This includes park entrance, handstamp (this means you get to ride most of the rides!), minature golf, and dinner. A great deal available now to AC Students!

Badger Boot Camp is coming up June 23rd, and again July 22nd, from 8:00am - 3:00pm. This event is for potential students and parents to learn all about what Amarillo College is all about! The event includes lunch, T-shirts, prizes, entertainment, and social events. ***Please note--you MUST be pre-registered to attend, and the June 23rd event has already been booked. Pre-registration for July 22nd is open now through July 17th--first come, first served!

For more info on Wonderland Night and Badger Boot Camp:

Badger Boot Camp

Wonderland Night

Thanks, all! Take care! :)

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous On June 21, 2009 at 9:49 PM

    The Wonderland Night is well worth the money. The meal is always catered, and you always see lots of your AC friends and family. Take the family and spread the fun!