Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

OMG!!! The things you find on the Internet!

I just had to post this! I was reading an article about Russia over the weekend, and decided to Google the Russian army for some basic statistics, and stumbled across this.

Apparently, the Russian army is having trouble getting enough recruits, so in 2005 someone had the bright idea of holding a beauty contest to attract more young men into the armed forces. You read that right--I couldn't make this up if I wanted to! Here is the link I found on Wikipedia:

The contest was called--again, not making this up!---"Beauties in Shoulder Straps." Selected female soldiers competed in singing contests, crawling in uniform, getting into/out of tanks, and running with automatic weapons. No bikini contest, though--apparently, that didn't fit into the image the generals wanted!

The winner was Lieutenant Ksenya Agarkova of the Russian Navy's Northern Fleet. I'm sure she was just so honored! Judging from the group photo above, though, I don't think all the contestants were, um, enthusiastic. Just a guess!

How hilarious is this! Haha! Maybe the US Army ought to hold a beauty contest. The contestants better wear bikinis, though lol! :D

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