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Pedestrians are people, too.

10/01/2010 05:42:00 PM 4 comments

Yes, I am new to this college experience and I am accustomed to being hand fed by public school with extended deadlines, assigned parking (until last year), and a cross guard in elementary school. Imagine my amazement when I stumble upon the free-for-all parking and unguarded cross walk on 22nd avenue.

On my first day of classes, I left supremely early - or what I thought to be early - and soon discovered: there is no such thing as “early” in the realm of the Washington Street Campus at 8:30AM. Unless you are willing to camp out in a single person tent the night before like you did for those concert tickets, the term “early” is nonexistent. (At least, in a car, you have a little more comfort than the ground .. and a tent isn’t required. Actually, this idea is becoming more and more appealing.)

I waited for - what seemed like - hours at the crosswalk. Student after student and not a single senior citizen with an orange flag in sight assisting both traffic and pedestrians. I’m pretty sure I heard the Creedence Clearwater Revival's version of “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” before I was able to make any sort of movement. Although I was smiling at each passing person, anger and impatience welled up within me and God must have extended his helping hand because the coast was clear.

Then what I failed to realize previously is: you are entering a sea of cars all searching for a prime spot, and what I adapted to - almost immediately - was the fact that I should give up and park next to the highway or perhaps by the downtown library and walk.

After the soles of my shoes resembled that of a tissue, I finally reached the crosswalk .. and what’s this? Cars are stopping for me (imagine that!) as I had stopped for my predecessors. I felt like Moses parting the Red Sea, or the Beatles crossing Abbey Road .. and if I had enough guts, I might have paused and pretended to be Paul McCartney for a split second. “How liberating,” I thought, “college rocks.” Arrogance consumed my usual clumsy swagger, and I held my chin high.

These crosswalks, I’m telling you, could serve as a psychological confidence booster and too bad Dr. Leo Marvin didn’t consider this for “Baby Steps”, because it is genius.

Pretty soon the World was my crosswalk. I was taking liberties at unmarked parts of the street - always with the lawful thought “I wonder if I’m jay walking” in the back of my head. Nevertheless, I didn’t care who stopped for me or if they were late - too bad.

So, the next time you’re waiting impatiently in your car at a crosswalk, think of poor souls, such as this blogger, who need this moment. Fellow pedestrians, hold your head up high and realize it is your civil right to uphold traffic!

(4) Comments

  1. Anonymous On October 1, 2010 at 6:18 PM

    Maybe people need this moment for a self confidence boost, but the middle of a street in not the place for it. People have places to go and matters to take care of, you do have a right to cross the road. Though you do NOT have a right to hold up traffic. Like everyone else I work and go to school and on a time schedule so we can get everything done in a day that we need to. We do not have the time to wait on you while you think your king of the world on the pavement. So please next time get you boost some where safe and not the road, take you time and cross the road safety, but do not hold us up. Besides someone other the rest of us that have patience for you, might not and have a happy trigger foot and slam on the gas pedal. When that happens you have two possible outcomes, a near death miss, or your in the hospital or worse on your death bed. So be safe and don't mess with the cars. There a lot faster and bigger then you and you can not win. It is true that the driver will go to jail for the the law they violated, but what good does that do you when you nothing but a lump of meat on the side of the road.

    Anonymous On October 1, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Wow! That was way rude! I've been a pedestrian at AC and the people in the cars are the rude impatient ones! We all have to cross the street sometime and i really dont think he stopped mid way in the road to give himself a boost! Think about it...

    uncle gumby On October 1, 2010 at 8:16 PM

    Dear Anonymous.....Ever heard of a metaphor.
    Great blog, that's how I felt my first day (at the age of 37). Be patient. I get there at 8:15 for a 9:00 class. Keep up the great blogs.

    Learning at 50 On October 2, 2010 at 7:18 AM

    I am returning to college after 30+ years (at age 51). I was so nervous about coming back "at this time of my life" but so pleasantly surprised when I had cars stop for me when I was in the crosswalk and sweet young men and women holding the door open for me... they were raised well. I had my 14 year old daughter with me one day and a young man held the door for us and said "have a great day, ladies". My daughter raised her head a little higher and said "He called us ladies! Even me!". These things have made my return a lot easier.