Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Here is a trivia question for you. Who won the Tri-State Fair Canned Foods in 2007?
That would be humble ol' me. Let me tell you how that happened.

In the summer of 2007 my mother brought me a bushel of Colorado peaches on a visit here during the summer. I was perplexed on what to do with so many peaches. So I froze and canned the bushel over the weekend.

I was entering a black and white photo in the Photography Contest and thought that entering something else would be good too. So I grabbed a jar of the peaches and entered them. The peaches got a blue ribbon.

I am going to enter something again this year. So today when the Golden Spread Farmers Market opens I'll be getting some vegetable and fruits.

If you really want to get a good taste of the local market head to the market. The local Panhandle Coop of farmers harvest the crop on the day before and then sell them the next day. The market opens a 6:30 until everything is sold out. It really is best to get there on time if you want the best choices and avoid lines at the corn and watermelon farmers stand.

There are other things that the farmers sell beside the crop. There are fresh cut flowers, seasonal decorations and some canned items. The Potter/Randall Agriculture Extension usually has a table with information on local growing tips.

Are there any other foodies out there? I am always looking for good recipes and cooking tips.

1 Comment

  1. Unknown On July 9, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    Paches and cream are a summertime delight. Add a spoonful of sugar & enjoy.