Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

… it is not that I am not busy enough to make such a suggestion.

In fact, every day I find myself rushing through the morning hours to get a lot done and go over a pretty tight agenda, especially during this fall season. I make everything possible to get to my 5 year old daughter’s school on time to pick her up at 1:30 pm . While I wait for her at the door, my mind is full of things that need to be done (before my son gets out at 3:00 pm and my husband gets home at 6:00 ).

My daughter is in kindergarten, so she is taking very seriously the idea that every minute brings a learning adventure. For example, in the past two months, when I pick her up from school, she has decided to walk through the grass on the way to the car. Very slowly she observes what lay on the ground, and if it is interesting to her, she ends up picking it up and tells me “mommy looook!” excited about her new finding. She loves to witness the leaves falling from the trees and the different colors that they display each day. Also, due to the diversity of trees that her school and our neighborhood have, she has found all kinds of seeds, pinecones, sticks, shiny rocks, small colorful BB’s (go figure) etc, etc. ( take a look at the below picture of her seasonal collection).

My son, who is 9, also has his way to enjoy the fall season, especially the tree in our front yard.. he climbs on it! He often asks me to witness how he can mimic a monkey hanging on his legs. One time, I joined him climbing the tree to take down his sister who got stuck in a branch.

I have been living in the Amarillo area for almost 12 years and believe me, I haven’t notice so many aspects of the fall season until my kids have been old enough to find out and obviously share with me.

We live in a rush-pace world, and I admit that I am an advocate to do a lot in a little time… as a mother, student at AC, worker, etc, etc , I usually feel a constant sense of urgency inside myself. Lately and thanks to my kids, I realize that it is important to enjoy every moment and every gift from God, to not only pass things by, but to observe them, to appreciate life, and simply at least once in a while, "to stop and smell the roses."

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous On November 21, 2010 at 10:42 PM

    A great reminder--especially during this part of the semester when everyone is trying to get so many things done and just survive the next few weeks!