Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Jon in the house!!!

1/29/2009 08:17:00 PM , 0 comments

Hey everybody.

I'm a 23 year old Public Relations and Advertising Major with a minor in Political Science. I previously attended Texas Tech but decided to come to AC to cool down a little bit and really focus on school. Hopefully I can make it back. haha.

My interests include hiking in Palo Duro Canyon (I have the yearly pass), rock climbing, commercials, playing basketball, riding my R6, and the blues. I also have two really cool Husky's, Smokey and Bandit, who I train for 1 to 3 mile sprint races. I usually take them on the bike trails in the canyon to keep them in shape and in tune to following a trail. 

I am a Canyon, Tx native and graduated from Canyon High.

Upon receiving my bachelor's degree I would like to become a lobbyist or an ad-rep for a snowboarding company. 

I am a fairly decent golfer and have been known to be called the Harlem Globe Trotter of Nerf mini-basketball.

Any other question?...just hit me up and I'd be obliged. 

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