Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

I apologize for not keeping everybody updated! As I’m sure everybody is… I’ve been incredibly busy. We also had a death in our family and it’s been rough on everybody. My uncle Kelley, 40 years old, had his 3rd and final heart attack on Saturday, just 3 months after his father died the same way. As you can imagine, it’s just a difficult situation for all of us. Please keep my family, and his sons, Corey and Cody, in your thoughts.

TWO WEEKS UNTIL GRADUATION!! I’m not sure I thought this moment would ever come for me. I’m sad to part with AC but excited to venture onto something else. I’m mostly excited for the classes that I’ll be taking. To put it into perspective, of the 60 ish hours I’ve completed at AC, about 15 of those hours were mass comm classes. At WT, I’ll be taking all mass comm classes. Yay!

Yesterday I got the idea in my head that I wanted to go see George Lopez on Saturday, and I wasn’t going to pay $60 for the tickets. So, after calling friends and family to see if they could “hook me up”, my dad told me that ROCK 108 was giving some away at Hooters. First of all, not a Hooters fan. For obvious reasons, but also their food is disgusting! So my sister and I went over there, did a little flirting with the DJ, and I got myself a pair of tickets ($120 value)!

I don’t know about you guys, but I am getting thoroughly annoyed with this pig plague crap. First of all, it’s not the “swine flu” that is going around, it’s H1N1. Yes, it’s contagious, but it’s the damn flu!! You can die from it (just as the flu), but you can die from driving a car, does that mean we’re going to stop driving? No, so why are they cancelling so many things? This is really being blown out of proportion, I think the press is just running with the fear of the people and it’s upsetting me. Where are the news stories saying that this is the same thing as the flu but with diarrhea and vomiting? HELLO! Nonetheless, do as you should always do, wash your hands, stay away from sick people, and stay home if you are sick (DUH).

By the way, here’s a link I found with some info about H1N1.

I hope everybody has a great weekend. Hang in there.

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