Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

There has been a new addition to my little household just recently...

Yep, that's my new baby in the picture there, its Canon Rebel XS and it is probably the best graduation gift I could have ever gotten.  Thank you Mom & Dad! This is definitely going to be my new passion project I can't wait to take what I've learned to do in Photoshop and combine with the photos I will be taking myself.

Now I've got one more thing talk about. Something completely different. I almost had an internship this week that is until I found out it was unpaid. To any employers out there who may be reading this, can I just ask - why in the world would you offer an unpaid internship? Do you not realize we have bills? We have things that need to be paid, yes the experience is valuable and blah blah whatever.  You want to know what more valuable than your "experience" paying rent so we aren't sleeping on the streets! When you offer an unpaid internship it just makes people think you're cheap. Don't be cheap.

There you have it, I'm going to go take some pictures! Am I the only one still blogging here?

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