Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

What makes you feel most productive? I think it differs from person to person, but I know that everyone has something that pumps them up and gives them inspiration and the desire to do something else. I always seem to find mine in sleep depravation. Which sounds strange I know but it works for me. For some weird reason I seem to think that I get the best ideas at three am. Why three am and not say midnight or one, I don’t really know. I think once my brain knows that there is only a slim possibility for rest it starts cranking out half formed ideas and convincing me that they are in fact amazing.
I bet an editor thought this was a great idea at 3 am

Let me give you an example, the other night I was up late texting a friend, I said something sarcastic but sadly sarcasm just doesn’t come across the same in text as it does out loud. I then thought there should be a button on the phone keyboard that causes text to switch to a sarcasm font. There is predictive text and T9, just to help us type what we want to say. But there is no help button for tone, and there is only so far that the exclamation point can convey. Intense amounts of excitement, contempt, anger or confusion can’t be properly sent via text.
“OMG I will eat your soul!!!” Much more powerful with the picture, right.

So at three in the morning I started planning on how to patent this wonderful idea and become a gazillionaire, but unfortunately the master plans I thought I had drawn out where actually just some random letters on an old receipt I found in my purse.
Damn you bad penmanship, I could be doing this right now

I have noticed that at three am I seem to be confused about how talented I am. For some reason I keep convincing myself that I do in fact have an untapped vein of musical talent and the world is just dying to hear me sing. I don’t, and they don’t. I have never actually managed to remember how to read music, even after multiple lessons and different instructors. I have a horrible ear for pitch and I can’t stay in tune. But that doesn’t stop my sleep deprived mind from thinking it’s a good idea. I mean if Ke$ha, Miley Cyrus, and Macy Gray can get recording contracts why can’t I.

Although I have had some pretty great eureka moments at three in the morning. Like how to extend my research paper an extra page, or remembering where my sunglasses are. This idea actually came to me in the wee hours of the morning. Along with an idea how to make cotton candy sandwiches (they would be delicious), why pancakes really do taste best at any time that is not breakfast and how to create a analytical reasoning problem about my love of cheetos. What gets you motivated to do things? When do you have the best ideas?

1 Comment

  1. Summer G. Baker On February 25, 2011 at 8:53 PM

    I think best in my shower or just as I'm about to fall asleep late at night (usually midnight to one a.m. lol), especially about writing ideas. The problem with me is that they are usually good ideas, but if I don't write them down that moment, I'll forget them. And I really don't want to get up and dig around for pen and paper at one in the morning.

    Nice post. I'm glad I'm not the only one (lol to the Twilight cover art ideas). I have a similar post to this at, but it's about my tricksy and playful muse. Check it out if you're interested.