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Yet Another Blogger

2/08/2011 07:14:00 PM 1 comments

Hoz Fierro, yeah... that's my name.

I guess the whole logical thing to do here is to say something about myself, or something of the sort.
I usually try to sound smarter than I am, and that's probably my biggest goal whilst doing this blog.
Get it? I used "whilst" instead of "while," I at least think that makes me sound smart, but probably not.
Now let's get into talking about something actually important: Me. Again, I joke. Amarillo College is more important.
But I will be telling you a few things about myself, like how I'm just a small town kid born and raised here in good ole' Amarillo, and that's all you need to know.
Of course, you'll learn more as time goes by.
Now, that thing to left is nothing to fear. It's actually me in the Badger suit! I actually think I look more attractive with the suit on, but that's a personal matter.
The badger is a pretty cool animal though.
As my friend Eric Ross likes to say, "'s a very fierce creature."
I'm sure I'll be making references to the badger constantly in the coming months.
And just so you know, I'm not always wearing the badger suit. There's someone else who does that stuff on a regular basis. I just did it that one day and took a picture to remember the moment I got to be a fierce creature.

I guess to end this blog I can tell you a little more about myself.
I'm very involved on campus. If you've ever been to an SGA meeting on Wednesday at noon in the Oak Room on the second floor of the cub then I'm sure you've seen me as the Parliamentarian of that organization. I really enjoy it, and always know what is happening on campus.
Other than that I'm also a member of the Math Honor Society here at AC. What can I say? Math is awesome, and fun. If it weren't we wouldn't have many engineers or math teachers. And there's a lot of those around.
There's much more I can say, but I'll refrain from doing so until the next blog.
And in case you don't believe it, my real name is Hoz. I've had it since I was born! I'll probably even have the name when I die.

But that's stuff to say in another blog, at another time.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous On February 9, 2011 at 4:47 PM

    You look great in that badger costume.