Welcome to my fellow bloggers! You both introduced yourselves, so I now feel obligated to do the same...and there's no better time to do that than on a snow day.
I'm trapped in my house with a little bit of free time on my hands, so here goes...
The best way I can think of to do this is just give you a bullet list of facts about me. We'll start with the basics:
- My name is Brittney (in case you forgot). Most people just call me Britt.
- I'm an Amarillo native.
- I'm 21 years old.
- I spent four semesters at WT as a music education major on a string quartet scholarsh
ip prior to my time here at AC.
- This is my third semester at AC. Semester one was spent as a business major (bad, bad choice...sounded practical at the time, but my cumulative GPA is still aching because of that one semester).
- Journalism is now my major. I plan to graduate in May, then I'm off to WT (again...).
- I was a page editor for the AC Ranger last year. I still write for the Ranger.
- I freelance for the Amarillo Globe-News.
- I'm a violinist and a pianist. I give lessons on both instruments. I'm also concertmaster for the Amarillo Little Theatre. I play random gigs here and there to make a few extra bucks. Ah, the life of a musician.
Okay, there may be stuff I'm leaving out...but who cares? Moving on the the fun stuff, now:
- Aside from being a professional musician, I really, truly love the world of music. I love going to shows and I'm almost always listening to music.
- My Pandora radio stations range from Y & T ('80s hair metal) to Frank Sinatra to New Age instrumental to Hans Zimmer (phenomenal soundtrack composer) to broadway musicals to Dave Matthews. You name it. I'm very open-minded when it comes to music. What I listen to is usually determined by my mood.
- I love food. Who doesn't? But I really, really love food. I grew up in a household where a homemade meal was placed on the table almost every single evening. My parents are both extremely talented and adventurous cooks. Thank you, mom & dad.
- There are few foods that I dislike, but meatloaf is definitely a big one. Meatloaf. Gross.
- I enjoy reading in my free time. I'll read pretty much anything...mystery, history, classics, horror, fiction or non. As long as it has an intriguing story line and is well-written, I'll read it.
- I recently bought myself a Kindle. Best investment ever.
- One of my biggest pet peeves is improper grammar. Speak properly, people. Texans: one negative per sentence, please. I don't go around correcting people's grammar, but I cringe internally when I hear or read things that just aren't right.
- Fly-fishing is my favorite hobby.
- I love the mountains and camping.
- I hate it when people trash Mother Earth. Don't litter. Don't throw your cigarette butts on the ground. Find a trashcan. Not that difficult.
- I love animals.
- My boyfriend is a manager for GameStop and a pretty serious gamer himself. I'm not great at video games, but I'll play with him from time to time. I love Little Big Planet (the first and second ones). Galaga will always be my favorite game.
- Steven (the boyfriend) actually talked me into creating a character on an MMO once. Allow me to nerd-out for a minute- in Aion, I made it all the way to level 42 on my cleric. I could not get into World of Warcraft, but did make a druid to try it out.
- I love coffee and hot tea.
Now you can see that I'm just like you. We might not share the same interests, but we're all just people who like something, dislike others.
As usual, I love reading your comments, so post away!
So you're saying I shouldn't invite you over for meatloaf? lol
We definitely need to hang out...but I'd have to pass on the meatloaf. Ha, ha.