If you didn't get that from the title. Then there you go, I was talking about friends.
I, like most people, have friends that surround me through my days at AC, my nights out, and just about wherever I happen to be.
The people you see here are just a few of whom I spend my time on Earth with. Whether it's going to the movies, going bowling, or just hanging out. I can always count on them to be there for me. But that's enough of the generic stuff I'm sure you've always heard about people and their friends.
It seems like there's always a friend of mine around the corner. Especially since the school year started, I seem to have met a lot of people I don't ever want to lose contact with.
Now it's time for a story, if you're interested that is.
You see...
There's this dude named Bryce Robertson, last spring semester I never talked to the guy. I knew who he was because he's the brother of a friend of mine and I had him in a class, but other than that I never really expected to ever talk to him. Ever!
Over the summer he became a part of the Student Government Association as their Treasurer, and I was their Parliamentarian, but still, I never talked to him very much over the summer even during our weekly SGA meetings.
Then school started in the fall, and it turned out we had all our classes together. So I was kind of forced to see him everyday.
Again, I'm not the best at starting a conversation or talking for that matter.
But since we had our classes together, and were part of the same student organization we saw a lot of each other and eventually became friends.
If someone would have came up to me last spring semester and asked me that we would have been buds and hang out all the time, I probably wouldn't have believed it.
Point of the story?
That you never really know where you're gonna find a friend.
So the next time you're sitting in class next to someone you don't know, go ahead and say hi to them. Because it could easily be the funniest person you'll ever meet.
I'm sure the people I'm friends with aren't the only awesome people here at Amarillo College.
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