Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive


8/19/2009 01:50:00 AM 1 comments

What a slacker I have been on this blog last week up to now. To my loyal readers... I sincerely apologize.


That's right, I just laughed out loud at my own humor. Anyways, things have been crazy as of late! My life has thrust me back into a serious torrent of time crunching, and in a few short days it will get severely worse.

Classes start Monday. Monday. MONDAY.

Dear summer: Why did thou art evade me so?

Sad times bro, sad times.

Well, my volleyball teams are really improving! Our missed serves were absolutely out of control these past couple weeks, and we're slowly but surely reigning them in! We are officially missing less serves, serving more consistantly, and successfully serving to the zones I call on the court. Let me just say... hallelujah! hahah My Freshman team won the Silver bracket at the River Road Freshman Tournament this past weekend. It was a fun Saturday!

This past Sunday I decided to take the day off and go to the lake with Chris and friends. It was a blast! We tubed and wakeboarded. And by we I mean, well, I definitely can't get out of the flipping water on a wakeboard. It's quite annoying really. My competitive nature won't let me let go. I have to do it. I have to prove to myself that I can do it. Yet time and time again I fail. And then I get mad. Oh yeah, that Italian temper kicks in and I get frustrated with a capital F. Sometimes that capital F gets a few choice letters behind it.


Why the Freak*ng crap can't I do this?!?!

Yeah, you just thought.

So definitely didn't get up on the wakeboard. Even my mom can wakeboard. And she's over 40 (still looks young and is a hott mama, but still!). Argh. It's supremely annoying. I did, however, tube like a pro. I'm proud of myself. And I have the sore muscles, aches, and bruises to prove it. Lordy am I sore! It even hurts to put my seatbelt on in the car! hahah

But yes, definitely a fun day on the lake, soaking up rays of sun with friends.

Now here I am, at 2 a.m. I just finished planning a couple volleyball practices. Tomorrow I will be in the gym for almost 7 hours. Phew. It's tough, and I'm beyond tired, but I love it. I love my job. I love what I do. I love doing what I like and I like doing what I love. It's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me!

1 Comment

  1. Bill On August 20, 2009 at 4:02 PM

    so busy you can't even throw a bone to your loyal readers, hmmm?!?! ;)

    If you're doing something you love, all the sacrifices in the world are worth it. Keep up the good work, kiddo!