Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Why is it that reading a textbook is the quickest way to fall asleep? I can feel 100% wide awake, open a textbook and BAM! drowsy as a drunk.

Quite frustrating when you're trying to get homework done. If nothing else, textbooks are good sleep aids at least.

So it's halfway through the first week of classes and so far so good. Although busy, I've managed to stay on top of things between yesterday and today. I know what you're thinking... "Yeah, uhm, it's only been two days..." but you don't understand. Every day is a victory when I get this busy. If I'm not behind on doing something it's a very huge accomplishment!

Today's practice was pretty rough for my girls. They really really struggled. Hopefully tomorrow will go better. We're having a terrible time with serving and serve receive. It's either on or it's off... there seems to be no in between. Alas, things aren't always what they seem. We will learn how to be consistant servers and passers if it kills us... and it just might.

In other news... Sen. Ted Kennedy died of brain cancer. The Kennedy family left a ridiculous political legacy. Check this out: Also, this is a pretty good article:
Read up. He pushed for some really awesome things for the people in our country. Specifically women, disabled, and elderly. There is a pretty good video summing it up that is on the same page as the article. It's only a couple minutes long, go watch it.

Chris and I went to the second to last Dillas home game tonight with his grandparents.
It was really fun except for my stupid allergies. They have been out of control since I came home from Corpus. I can hardly stand it! The only thing I've tried that really works is Benadryl and that knocks me OUT. I mean out cold. I could sleep for about 14 hours straight after taking just one Benadryl... yes, it's that ridiculous.
Anyway, back to the baseball game. We left in the bottom of the 8th when the Dillas were up 12-4. It was a close game until the 7th inning when the Dillas decided they really knew how to play baseball. hahah Even though I'm a die-hard volleyball fan (woohoo for indoor sports!) I enjoy the occassional baseball game. And football game. Actually, I really want to go watch WT play football Friday. WT football games are always a blast. :)

Anywho... well now that I've been on the computer for a little while I'm good and awake so I think I'll get back to reading my textbook. Goodnight!

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