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Ahh, it's Friday

3/06/2009 11:05:00 AM , 0 comments

What a week, what an amazing, incredible, productive week.

I’m officially starting the graduation countdown: 70 days! I’ve been having trouble applying of graduation. I applied last year because I was going to be an over-achiever and take a full load of summer classes (yeah right) and I’ve re-applied this semester twice and I hadn’t received any confirmation about anything? Apparently, if you’ve applied before you have a “file” and you need to call AC and they can check it out for you. I love AC, but I’m ready to be finished. (FYI: Deadline to apply is April 23 but if you’re as eager as I am, you applied the first day of the semester).

I’m bummed that I couldn’t make it to John Walsh’s lecture last night. He’s a great guy and I heard that it was standing room only in the theater. I’m curious to know what he spoke about…

I can’t wait to see what the weekend holds for me. Most likely it will include laundry soap, a mop, and a scrubby brush… but I’m hopeful!

Don’t forget, $1 beer at Ruby Tequila’s, see ya there.

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