Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

It’s weird how school affects my mood so much. When I’m doing well in my classes and staying ahead of things I’m generally- very happy. However, when I’ve been slacking off in school, I get very discouraged about everything, not just school. This could be in relation to some mental illness that I have… I wouldn’t be too surprised. My mom always said I was crazy.

For a couple years now I’ve had cell phone service with Alltel but I’ve NEVER been able to keep one of their phones for more than 6 months without it breaking. I don’t know if it’s the cell phone manufacturer or if it’s Alltel just being cheap but it’s such a pain. I just renewed my 2-year agreement and I got the HTC Touch Pro phone… “stylin and profilin”. But now I’m seriously regretting not getting a Blackberry. Grr, I knew this would happen!!

They are playing country music at work today which absolutely makes my day!! We usually have elevator music- gag. Also something that makes my day- my boyfriend was being so sweet to me last night. I feel bad for him sometimes because I know that I’m not easy to put up with, but he does it anyway. Okay, enough hanky panky.

If you haven’t registered for classes yet, you may be S.O.L.! A lot of classes fill up early, some are only offered in the fall, etc. Because I’ll be a transfer student at WT, I have to wait TWO MORE weeks to register. We’re the last pick… I feel so special!!

Alright, it’s about time for my lunch meeting, so I’ll holla at you guys later. Have an wonderful week.

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