TIPA Dallas, Day 1 (yesterday, FYI)
4/10/2009 04:08:00 PM
Hey everyone I finally found a place where I can get on the internet having to pay for it. YAY!!
Day 1 - I had to get up at 3:00am! yes that's right 3 o'clock in the morning! did you know that 3:00 comes in an a.m. version because I didn't I could have gone my entire life without finding that out.
Anywho - one incredibly long, cramped drive later we arrive in Dallas!
After being on the road for the last 7 hours we have to get out of the van and run to our designated competitions for the TIPA Convention. I had the worst migraine headache, due to little sleep, little food, and too much driving. By the time I got to my PR crisis management competition my head was pounding, I was proud of the work I did - but I feel I could have done better. Afterwards I ran to the gift shop and got some migraine medicine, a coke, and chips for the low low price of $12. oh yeah I paid $12 3 things that should have cost about $6 total.
I took my medicine and was feeling pretty good before I went to my Radio Copywriting competition and I'm not sure if the judges thought I did good, but man! I am so proud of the work I did in that competition. I worked really hard so I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.. regardless though I am getting into advertising not win awards, but to make money (of course I'm not gonna try to pretend that I'm not) and to create effective ads. That one would have moved some units though!
After that I went wondering around Downtown Dallas for a few minutes, but I it was really windy so I didn't get to see nearly as much as I wanted. I then went back to hotel room (@ the Dallas Sheraton) and relaxed for and hour so.
We ate dinner at The Spaghetti Warehouse in the West End. Then we all went back to rooms and crashed, hardcore. Everyone was worn out!
That was Day 1 - if your think Day 1 was long blog post, you should have lived it! ha ha but it was fun too!
Day 2 is coming soon, I hope before the end of the night.
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