TIPA Dallas, Day 2 and 3 (several days ago - sorry)
4/14/2009 11:24:00 PM
Hey guys I'm sorry but I just realized I suck and I forgot to post day 2&3 so here we go!
Day 2 was pretty fast paced, well the entire trip was a face paced, in the morning I went to couple of seminars. The first one I went to was a seminar on how to write a good resume and how to get rid of unneeded information, I learned that my resume needs a complete overhaul. Up until this point I thought mine was reasonably good. The next seminar I went to was The 'Knows' of Public Relations and it was basically a telling of the PR world from a PR Professionals point of view in today's business world, very insightful. After that I went to one seminar which was about branding yourself to match your resume - very good stuff there. The there was luncheon, and after that it I went exploring the city and then did a little shopping with some of the others from the trip.
Day 3 was our last day and day that we came home. It was fun trip but I was ready for some sleep in my own bed. On day three however we go our awards - I won and award for Radio Advertising Copywriting from the competitions from day 1! I was superstoked about this because I was completing with student from 4 year universities as well as 2 year.
This whole trip has shown me a lot - it showed me that my passion definitely lies within advertising, I'm not too crazy about PR it seems a lot like cleaning up other people's messes while in advertising its a little bit more fun.
we'll see I have a feeling there are going to some blogworthy things coming up within the next few weeks.
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