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How the time flies...

6/24/2009 09:35:00 PM 1 comments

Ever have those moments where you stop, take a look back, and wonder how the time flew by so fast?

I had one of those today.
I mean, when I look back it seems like just yesterday that I was still in high school. Granted, it wasn't a super long time ago, but still. It seems like I blinked and... here I am! Living my own life, doing my own thing, working for the summer at an awesome newspaper... everything is so...
different now.
Good different, definitely, but it's still just so weird to look back. Who knew I'd be where I am today? It's so great to know that God always has good plans for your life, and if you trust Him with it He'll get you to the very best place for you.
Another thing that hit me today is how much everyone has changed since high school. Yes, I know, it happens. But I mean, every single friend I've had since like, the 2nd grade, is either getting married, is already married, is pregnant, or has already had a baby! It's really kind of... weird. hahah

Anyway, enough with the trips down memory lane. My editor googled me today and found my story in other newspapers. Woohoo! My La Conquista girls rock band camp story made it on the wire! It's sort of old news, but the reason I'm bringing it up is because the Houston Chronicle used it, and so did the El Paso Times, and the Fort Mill Times! (To assist with confusion: when your story gets picked up by the Associated Press they put it on the wire... then it can be used by other newspapers.) So that's totally awesome!

Well, other than my little "oh how the time flies" moment, I've got nothing deep or thought provoking to say today. All is well in the land and, well, I can't wait until this weekend! (Yes, yes I did have to throw that in here somewhere. I figured this was a good place. hah)

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous On June 25, 2009 at 10:58 PM

    Too cool! You're in the big league now!!