Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

I was disappointed to learn Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina, confessed to having an affair. He was definitely one of the rising stars of the Republican Party, and a possible presidential challenger to President Obama in 2012. One the surface, he was everything the conservative wing of the GOP looked for: in addition to being fiscally conservative--he declined some of the government bailout money, for example--he has very strong social conservative credentials. In particular, he campaigned on family values, including marriage. Now, no one is perfect, but cheating on your wife is a pretty big screw-up. Especially in such a public way. If that weren't enough, apparently Mrs. Sanford discovered his affair in January and he promised to cut it off. And what does the dumb@$$ do? He disappears for a week--without telling anyone--to go and see his mistress in Argentina. Uh, wow.

This demonstrates the danger of campaigning on family values. Democratic politicians have affairs, too, but Republicans are held to a higher standard. As well they should be--just like Democratic politicians who don't pay their taxes are justifiably criticised, the bar is set high for Republicans in the area of morals because they're the ones who make family values an issue. So, when a high-profile GOP politician has an affair, it gives the entire Republican party a black eye, and it hands the Democrats and their sympathizers in the liberal mainstream media a golden opportunity to accuse all conservatives of hypocrisy.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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