Padd Solutions

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Sand Dollars

6/21/2009 10:17:00 PM 0 comments

The beach. Sand dollars. DUI's...

Yesterday was an eventful day! No, no one really got a DUI, however my roommate came close! (before you judge, read on... haha)
Me, Susan and Robert went to the National Seashore yesterday. It was really fun! We got some sun and ate these delicious chicken salad wraps with avocado... they were yuuuummy.
The hightlight of the trip, however, was that we found sand dollars! Like, live ones! So Susan and I each got a sand dollar to take home with us. As goofy as it may be, I am supremely excited about my sand dollars. hah

So on the way home, we got stopped for speeding by two park rangers. Yep, you heard me right, park rangers. Apparently they have radar.
Anyhow, when they got to the window the first question asked was, "How many drinks have you had today ma'am?" So she told him the truth: 3... in 4 hours. Rob told him 1, and myself, none.
Apparently he didn't believe us. He got her license and registration and talked to his ranger buddy for like 5 minutes before even coming back to the window! Then he made her get out of the car. Yep, she had to get out in her bathing suit on the side of the road! hahah And on came the sobriety tests! Now, Susan was married to a police officer AND she works the crime beat at the Caller so she knows about these things. Normally, an officer will test you 1-3 times. But one test wasn't good enough for these guys.
They did the sobriety eye test on her 15 TIMES! That's right, 15. Because if she wasn't drunk the first 14 times, maybe she would be by the 15th?! hahah
It was so ridiculous, but Rob and I were really nervous because they kept her out there so long! We knew she wasn't drunk, or even tipsy for that matter, but we thought they were going to haul her off to jail. Which would have been super hilarious considering she regularly speaks with the people there who do the booking.
The rangers didn't believe her number of drinks, so they made her open the cooler. To their dismay, there were the exact number of beers left to constitute 4 total beers being missing.
And then their question was, "Where are your empty beer cans?"
As if Susan would've kept them instead of throw them in the trash? I mean seriously!
The best question ever though was asked while they were repeatedly giving her the eye test.
Ranger: "Do you wear contacts ma'am?"
Susan: "Yes sir."
Ranger: "Hard or soft?"
Someone please tell me why that is relevant!!! hahaha (For those of you wondering, the answer was "soft" hah)
Luckily, they let her go. They did have Robert drive though. The kicker of the whole episode was that they didn't even issue her a ticket or a warning or anything for speeding!

It was crazy.

Anyway, we definitely got a good story out of the deal. Plus, we have our sand dollars. =]
(image from

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