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Wow... Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and the less-famed Billy Mays. All gone in one week!

I am amazed at the coverage MJ's death has received. I know, I shouldn't be. But seriously, the coverage has been insane! Especially considering they know nothing more until after the second autopsy. All we've heard is "MJ died ... MJ this in his lifetime... In spite of some hard times, he was still the King of Pop..." blah blah. True, Michael Jackson was a music icon. He will forever be a music icon. But the overload of media coverage is ridiculous!
Don't get me wrong, it's definitely newsworthy. I realize that, especially considering I work at a newspaper. haha But seriously, if there's nothing new to cover, why all the coverage? Yes, please do have documentaries or whatever you'd like to call them on his life, the legacy he left behind. He is owed that considering. But a MJ update every other 5 minutes when there's nothing new? Annoying.
Despite my feelings about some of the media coverage, I will keep his family (especially his children) in my prayers. RIP Michael Jackson.

Now Farrah Fawcett... she grew up in Corpus Christi. So her death is big news here. Seems to me like she is most worthy of any news coverage she's received. Honestly, I think her death would've been covered WAY more had MJ not passed and stolen her limelight.
She's one of those people that the more I read things her friends say about her, the higher I think of her. Her loss to the cancer battle is extremely sad. Some of the quotes I read from her friends literally made me cry! RIP Farrah.

And then there's Billy. Billy Mays, the Oxiclean guy. If you saw one commercial with him in it his voice would bounce around in your head all day long. I never did buy the product, hah, but something tells me his excitability made Oxiclean a lot of money! I wonder if he was that excited about other things in his life. He just seems like that sort of hyper active person. I bet his mother laughs at the fact that his hyper-active behavior ended up making him money and putting him on the map! RIP Billy Mays.

Last week was a big news week!

So, the first pullout deadline for our troops is fast approaching. I have serious mixed emotions about it. Do I want our men and women out of there? By all means, yes. But do I think on moral grounds we can just up and leave things in the state they are in over there? Not particularly. Although, can our presence at this point do more good than harm? I'm not sure. This is one of those situations that just seems to have no right answer. It's not black or white. It's definitely in between. Even the responses from Iraqi's (civilians and soldiers alike) portray the unease of the pullout. Some are excited, and CNN reported the government is going to declare it a national holiday. Others are fearful, and can hardly stand the thought of losing the protection our government has provided.
Like I said, there's just no right answer.
I'm very excited for our soldiers to be heading home, and for the war to be "ending." However, I don't think it's truly over. I don't think it can ever be truly over.

- In case no one noticed, everything in this blog from the title of it to the content in it is set up as the media has portrayed it. Sadly, celebrity deaths are apparently more important than what is happening with our soldiers, continually fighting for our freedom, and surviving in situations most of us could never come close to comprehending.

(photo credits: google images)

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