Padd Solutions

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(CAUTION! Movie spoiler!) So Harry Potter was great, but I believe I think that more or less because I love the books. Truly, I would probably give it 3 out of 5 stars. Compared to the books there were waaaay too many important things skipped. Like Dumbledore's relationship with Harry. In the 6th book they develop an even closer bond than they've ever had before. Dumbledore tells Harry things and shows him things that strengthen their bond beyond mentor, head master, or even a father. Dumbledore and Harry really become friends who depend on one another. I think it would have served the book far better for the movie to have been split in two. Then more of the relational aspects in the book could've been covered. At the end of that movie everyone SHOULD have been bawling their eyes out when Dumbledore was killed. When I read that book (and when my bestfriend finished it) we both cried like babies when he was gone. It left this large hole in the entire series that no character could fill like he did. But with the movie, that relationship wasn't portrayed. It almost seemed like Dumbledore was this distant figure, instead of close to Harry and the other students at Hogwarts. Aside from that, the movie was very enjoyable. Lots of action and a fair share of laughs. The on-screen chemistry between those actors is undeniable. You can tell they have spent a lot of time together and work very well together in the scenes. Yet again, Snape, Professor McGonnagal (sp?), Malfoy, Hagrid, Harry, Ron, Hermione and many many of the other characters were portrayed in perfect alignment with the book. I'm amazed that they found actors who so precisely fit the bills! A definite thumbs up for this one and well worth the money to see it, but it would have done the book more justice to split the movie into two parts. Then the audience could've had an accurate feel for the strong relationships between the characters.

In other news... I just got back from dropping Chris off at the airport and I'm feeling really down. The upside is that I will see him in 13 days when I get home. The downside is... well, I'm lonely. I already miss his laugh, and even though I won't admit it to him, I already miss his teasing and picking at me... (driving me crazy is one of his many strengths and I do believe he thoroughly enjoys it hahah)

I had the most amazing time with Bekah and Chris while they were here. I'm very sad that they're gone. It was great to reconnect with my bestfriends. Particularly Bekah. This was most likely our last just-the-two-of-us girl time before she becomes Mrs. Rebekah Cates. Crazy.

You don't realize how much you miss the old days until you reminisce about them you know? Bekah and I stayed up late and giggled like when we were little. We talked about everything from weddings to love to school to our futures. And we watched stupid TV shows and made fun of the people on them... like The Millionaire Matchmaker (I mean seriously, what kind of guy refers to himself in the third person CONSTANTLY calling himself, "Jimmy D" LOL). It was so much fun. Memories I will hold onto forever, especially because I know how fast the times are changing. Luckily for me, I know I have a forever bestfriend in Bekah. Someone who will stand by me no matter what. Something tells me we'll be little old ladies making mischief and causing havoc wherever we go.... still together, still bestfriends. :)

As for me and Chris, we had a blast! It was so great to get to cuddle and talk. It's amazing how easily we fall back into rythm with one another... as if we were never apart. Thursday, after an extremely stressful day at work, we ordered pizza and watched TV. Friday we went to the beach... we left after he got stung by a man o' war jellyfish. hahah Chris and beaches just don't mix. We went to the lifeguard who said he was the second man o' war sting that day. She put some stuff on it, said there's nothing more you can do other than that, and off we went. We swam in the pool at my apartment after that and then got ready for our date! We went to Aka Sushi and it was delicious! Then we went to see The Proposal. Very cute movie! Saturday flew by in a blur. We hung out, swam, went and got dinner and then watched my all-time FAVORITE TV show EVER, Friends. Today came much too fast. We went and ate breakfast, spent a little time together, and off we went to the airport. I miss him already.
Six years and I am still head over heels in love with him...

Anyway, I've tried to stay as distant from the real world as possible these last few days. I just didn't want to focus on anything but my time with my bestfriends.

Tomorrow I won't have a choice though. Awwell. Only two more weeks of work... crazy.

I'm fairly homesick at this point. I really miss my family, my friends, my cat... 13 days and counting! :)

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