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Last day in Corpus...

7/31/2009 03:12:00 PM 1 comments

Wow. It's here. My last day in Corpus.

What a weird torrent of emotions. I'm so sad to leave everyone and what I have here... yet I'm extremely excited to see my friends and family!

You know, looking back over these last couple months, I have grown so much in so many ways. I realized a few things as well. Here's my top 10 list:

#10: I can live on my own and make it work, even though it's not always easy
#9: Taking a moment to enjoy where you're at, to really look around and take it all in, can make a world of difference in your outlook on things
#8: If you let yourself be open to things, it's amazing what you can learn
#7: Criticism, even if it's harsh, makes you better at what you do
#6: Even seemingly untrainable dogs can be trained (this is regarding Sugar, Susan's puppy who I am going to miss dearly!)
#5: Even an oddly matched pair of people can become really great friends (this one's for Natalia, my intern buddy who I will also miss SO much!... Donna and Eric! hahah)
#4: A simple act of kindness or thoughtfulness can mean more than you ever imagined possible (Susan, my roommate, is the one I will miss the very very most)
#3: Growing thick skin takes living through a few frustrations, some stress, and maybe even a couple tears
#2: In a world full of terrible terrible things, just breathe. Find the positive stories that bring a smile to your face and hold them dear to your heart... they will get you by.
#1: No matter where you are, God has a plan. He always, always has a plan.

Goodbye to everyone here who I hold so dear to my heart. I will miss you all so much and I promise to come back and visit.

My next post will be from home! Amarillo by morning...

1 Comment

  1. Natalia On July 31, 2009 at 11:56 PM

    We will miss you!!
    But I am so glad we met and so glad you had a good time here!

    We have learned so much, it is time to take all back to our staff and rock this next semester :).