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Seriously Sanford?

7/01/2009 11:13:00 AM 0 comments

Alright, I wasn't going to blog about this, but I just can't help myself.

Gov. Sanford is ridiculous.

I mean, let's get real here. It is one thing to admitt to having an affair... but why would you continue to vomit details about it to the media left and right? "It was love, she's my soul mate.." blah blah freakin' blah. Honestly, if he was truly trying to reconcile with his wife, I don't think he would be spewing that crap all over the place. Talk about driving the knife deeper into his wife's back. It has to hurt enough just feeling betrayed... but to hear your husband say things about loving his mistress and how he will have to "die knowing (he) met (his) soulmate" WOW. Seriously, Sanford?

I'm all for saving marriages and I pray that they pull things together and make it work. But it takes two. Where is his sincerity? He is either legitimately trying to fall back in love with his wife OR he is holding on to his feelings for his mistress. There's no fuzzy area there, it's one or the other! Can he still have very strong feelings for Maria while trying to fall back in love with his wife? Yes. However, if he is truly trying then he wouldn't be holding on to them... he would be trying to let the feelings go. Yes it might take time, years maybe, who knows! But he is publicly holding on to her saying things out of one side of his face... and then publicly claiming he's going to work things out with his wife out of the other side of his face.

What a huge mess.

I heard on the radio the other day that affairs are ranked above money as the #1 cause of divorce these days. That is so sad.

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