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Big Ben.

2/02/2009 12:03:00 PM , , , 0 comments

This blog is going to be all over the place, mainly, because I’m all over the place. My head is full of work/school/friends/guys/family. Ahh! I can’t concentrate on any one thing but I’ll attempt to cover each one of them individually.

For the most part, I enjoy my job. I have to be at work at 8:45 am (reasonable…) but I still feel like that is sooo early! I am NOT a morning person and it takes everything I have to make myself go to sleep at night. I feel like I’m missing out on something if I do. I can literally be sitting in my bed, watching a Law & Order re-run and I won’t want to go to sleep because I feel like I’m missing out. I’m weird. Nonetheless, I feel like I can never please my boss. I never get “good job” or “way to go”. In all fairness, my paycheck is my “good job” but it’d be nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth once in a while (hahah). Moment to complain: she doesn’t communicate well and doesn’t take my job seriously. When I see that my boss feels this way: it translates to me that 1) I don’t have to communicate well, and 2) why should I take my job seriously?

School is school. I’m taking Astronomy on T/TH night and so far it’s working out well. It’s complex and really gets your mind thinking. Mr. Hobbs, the instructor, is pretty laid back. He gets right to the point and you can tell that he enjoys teaching us- so we enjoy learning. Fun class. I’m also taking 3 classes online: which I enjoy. I love the concept of online classes. I’m such a computer-nut that I’m always on the computer anyways, so it makes it easier. Online classes tend to be very straightforward. Not much busy-work like in class; not always true though.

Ahh, I can not believe that I will be graduating from Amarillo College in FOUR MONTHS! That’s crazy. It’s been a fun ride but I’m excited to move on. I’m mostly excited to have a party or get-together for graduation. I’m such a social person, I love having parties.

The Superbowl was yesterday, and it was amazing. Like most people in this neck of the woods, I didn’t care who won, but after watching the pre-game show I got a weird, school-girl crush on Big Ben Roethlisberger. Truly, he’s an amazing human being. 6’5… 240… awww. :) He’s not married! I’m pretty sure that he is the only guy that my dad is okay with me getting married to. We decided this last night, as well as, Big Ben and I would have beautiful, tall, children (with big noses- thanks Ben!). The fourth quarter was exciting though. It reminded me of the Tech/UT game (that I went to!). Steelers were up the entire game and then the Cardinals are ahead… for about one minute, Steelers up again. The best part was sitting around with my family, makin’ fun of each other, and eatin’ some great food (ribs, wings, jalapenos, chili, chips, ribeyes, potato salad -mmm). That reminds me, apparently Miller Lite was trying to save money, so they had a 1-2 second commercial with a guy screaming “High life”. I think it’s a specialty of one of their beers? Either way, it think it was a great PR move for Miller Lite. Not only did they get some publicity with having a 1 second commercial, it was hilarious!

By the way, did anybody get 3-D goggles for the commercials? I looked like a dork but you better believe that I had mine on! If I have time I plan to sit in my apartment- BY MYSELF, and watch “Chuck”, it comes on tonight in 3-D. Heroes, season premiere is after that also. It’s going to be a good night!

Now to go to lunch with, and possibly fight with: my brother.

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