Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Oh man, the last couple of days have not been so great for me.  There hasn't been one really big thing has gotten me down just series of things that has really been pulling my spirit down.

So here we go...

First of all, my latest story for The Ranger was a complete failure.  I don't mean "oh nice try, better luck next time" kind of a failure.  We're talking about full on crash an burn nuclear explosion hindenburg of a disaster kind of failure.  I could not get anyone to return any of my phone calls for an interview it was insane! In all fairness the people I was trying to contact are busy people, but you would think after 4 messages they would make time to give me an interview so I'd shut up and leave them alone. So now I am going to have a zero for a grade in my news reporting and writing class - great.  But what is worse I really disappointed myself more than anything else.  I know I did everything I could, but ..... I don't know - I guess sometime these things just happen or at least that's what I have  been telling myself.

I haven't been sleeping much at night either.  I'm usually awake until somewhere around 4 in the morning and then I have to wake at 7 everyday.  Its intense! I'm feeling more and more like a zombie - I got some medicine to help me sleep though everything should be good tonight, in fact I think I can feel it starting to work as I type this.  If this blog starts to make less and less sense, you'll know why, ha ha.

There have also been little things here and there that have made these last few days worse like the biggest mistake I have been making here lately is getting out bed.  If I would just stay in bed and not leave my apartment my days would have been great! 

Feels like the only thing I have done right this past week is breathe and right about now that's taking a lot of work too! My nose is so stopped up! ha ha - WAY RANDOM MOMENT THERE. (that was the RX)

Works kind of a drag. Isn't it always though?

... oh well what's past is past. 

Time to move forward! 

This weekend I am going to turn my computer ipod tv and cell phone off.  I plan to sever all ties to the internet technology and the outside world.  That's right no email, phone calls, texts, facebook, I'm done with all of it for the next three days.  

Its time for a technology detox - I'm gonna get my on head straight. I need a complete reprogram.

1 Comment

  1. Tiffany On February 27, 2009 at 12:25 PM

    You are a strong person if you can leave all that off for 3 days. Good luck!