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Alright, just incase you haven’t heard – Richard Howard, science instructor and fencing extraordinaire, has become ill and will not be finishing the semester and reportedly won’t be coming back at all.

Howard teaches most life science classes at AC.  Life science is the science class that a large majority of non-science majors take, which means a lot of people have taken a class with Howard.

As a result, all of Howard’s classes have been reassigned to student teachers.  Which brings to my issue…

Why when it comes to issues such as this are the students not consulted?  We pay for these classes, we agree to begin a class with a certain instructor then unfortunate circumstances occur and then we handed a new instructor without any prior consultation.

I’m sure the student-teachers/instructors that AC has chosen are more than qualified, but we paid for these classes and I don’t think it’s asking too much to be kept in the loop in situations such as these.

Why when it comes to our own affairs such paying for classes, getting books, studying for test does the school view us as adults, but then when it comes to situation like this are we treated as children and pushed off to the side as the decision is made?

I know things like these can’t be helped and life isn’t perfect.  All we can do is roll with the punches.

I know I speak for all of AC when I wish Dr. Howard a speedy recovery. 

UPDATE: I want to make one thing very clear just in case it is not.  The replacements for Howard, I can't speak for all classes (because I am only in one), but I think  they (whoever made this decision) made a great decision - the replacement instructor for my life science class seems very personable. cant wait to see how the rest of the semester goes.

(2) Comments

  1. Anonymous On February 17, 2009 at 3:12 PM

    I would like to respond to Zack's blog regarding Mr. Howard having to take a leave of absence due to health issues.
    As Chariman of the Biology department I can assure you that I took the student's best interests into consideration before I assigned faculty members, not student teachers, to take over these Life Science Classes. Both Mr. Porter and Mr. Craig are full time faculty members with over thirty years of combined experience teaching Life Science, Majors Biology, Integrated Biology, Forensics, Biotechnology, anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology. Ms. Buchanon has been an adjunct faculty member for over five years with experience teaching Life Science and Anatomy and Physiology.
    Yes, I agree that the students tuition will "pay for these classes", however, to be able to discuss with over 125 students in Mr. Howard's classes what is the best course of action to complete a Life Science course with only 12 weeks reamining is just not feasible.
    For those of you in one of Mr. Howard's classes who is unhappy with the current situation, please feel free to come by my office, Biology 207D, and I will do my best to rectify the situation.

    As far as the rumor that Mr. Howard will not be returning at all, it is just that at this time, a rumor. Hopefully with further and more aggresive treatment, Mr. Howard's Parkinson Disease may decrease in severity and he will return to the classroom.

    I hope this clears up some of the misconceptions.
    Dr. Michael Kopenits
    Biology Department Chariman

    Zack On February 17, 2009 at 8:58 PM

    cool thanks for the opinion everyone! very thought provoking great points by both - thanks for taking the time to read my blog!